Fingerboarding is as complete as skateboarding, from gear to tricks and more.
During the assembly of your deck and during its use, there are many steps
to maintain your deck and its equipment in good condition.
In this page you will find advice, tips that will help you during the many stages of assembly and maintenance of your deck.
Tape maintenance
A classic, very practical tip that will make your grip last.
After a good use of your deck your grip will start to adhere less well. Dust prevents proper use of the grip.
To wash your griptape : apply strips of adhesive paper (scotch tape, painter's tape, etc.) to the grip of your deck. Apply light pressure with your fingers to the entire surface. Finally peeled off the tape slightly from your grip.
That's it your griptape is like new, he regains its deep black and its perfect grip. You can repeat this operation as soon as your grip seems less effective.
(be careful not to use tape that is too sticky like ducktape, it could tear your grip.)
Deep wheel maintenance
The wheels are an element requiring a lot of maintenance to keep a pleasant feeling during the ride. Dirt can infiltrate the bearings and the surfaces of the wheels affecting the quality of the ride.
To maintain your bearings : start by removing your wheels from the trucks. Using a toothbrush or paintbrush, start by gently rubbing the inside of your wheels to remove excessive dust (in the same time clean the surfaces of the wheels with a brush and a rag)
Then soak the wheels in a degreasing solution (look for natural recipes or chemical degreasing products on the internet) Leave them soaked in for a while, then take them out, dry them with paper towel or a rag. Then all you have to do is lubricate your bearings with a very small amount of solution. Raise your wheels on your trucks and let's roll !
Quick wheel maintenance
Sometimes you don't have time or you are in the middle of a session and washing your wheels thoroughly is not possible. On the other hand, you feel that they roll less well and that their surfaces are dirty.
To wash the surface of your wheels : Cut a strip of tape the size of your fingerboard. Put it sticky side up, place your board, wheels on the ground, on the tape and go back and forth, while pressing on the deck. The tape should pull the dirt all the way around your wheels. Their surfaces are now like new, you can do this operations as many times as you want
Quick tips
When you set up your trucks, your wheels, sometimes the nuts get stuck in your tool. To remedy this, slightly screw the nuts on the trucks and pull back. The nut will come loose from your tool, all you have to do is unscrew the truck nuts by hand.